Happier Now

This isn’t a book about positive thinking, silver linings, or always being happy. This is a book about living fully in good times and bad, and enjoying life more because of it.

Happier Now: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Embrace Everyday Moments (Even the Difficult Ones)

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Do you find yourself stuck in the “I’ll be happy when . . .” trap, believing that achievements or big life changes are what will bring you lasting happiness?

In Happier Now, nationally recognized emotional health expert Nataly Kogan shares her lifelong struggle of searching for the elusive “big happy” to how she finally made the essential mindset shifts that allowed her to live with more self-compassion, joy, and meaning.

Nataly redefines happiness as a skill that anyone can cultivate. She shares a wealth of simple, science-backed practices―used successfully by more than a million people―so you can experience more joy in ordinary moments and greater resilience when times get tough.

Nataly’s approach is grounded and practical. You won’t be asked to make difficult, time-consuming changes or gloss over life’s very real challenges. Rather, you’ll learn five core skills―and the science behind them―so you can feel more joy and less stress in your daily life.

Some insights you'll gain from the book:

  • 3 mindset shifts to make happiness and emotional health a reality
  • Why happiness doesn’t mean being positive all the time
  • Research and tips to help you practice self-compassion
  • Daily Anchors―a custom set of practices to help you cultivate joy daily
  • The 5-Minute Happier Workout―for whenever you need a boost
  • Strengthen your “emotional immune system”―develop resilience for when times are tough

Praise for Happier Now:

happier now paperback side image“A brave journey of discovering joy through self-compassion, gratitude, and kindness.” 

-- Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code and bestselling author of Brave, Not Perfect

"Nataly's passion is contagious and persuades us that happiness might be possible even when life is hard. By making habit changes practical, by helping us reconnect to the meaning in our lives, and by opening up about the challenges she's overcome, Nataly's hopeful optimism is indomitable, inspiring and life-changing." 

 -- Shawn Achor, New York Times bestselling author of Big Potential and The Happiness Advantage

“Nataly’s book is one that you can return to again and again. Supported by excellent, fact-based advice, she begins by telling her own story in an honest and engaging way, reassuring the reader that she’s been through it, too. It’s not just you, she seems to say, but all of us. It’s a truly great read.” 

-- Celeste Headlee, journalist, TEDx speaker, and bestselling author

Order Happier Now today

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Take a peek inside Happier Now

Happier Card - Gratitude
Happier Card - You are enough
Happier Card Kindness

Gratitude affirmations that will change your life

Could the little things that annoy you be your path to happiness? 

In this video, Nataly shares a surprising technique from her book that will help everyday annoyances and stresses be your stepping stones on the way to feeling happier.

What Happier Now readers are saying:

"Nataly’s book is like having a best friend who’s impeccably researched, and ready to help you change your life. She’s the most authentic cheerleader I’ve seen, and her honesty in her own journey will motivate and help you to find yours. Buy it, read it, and pass it on."
- Chris Stevens

"I just finished this book yesterday and absolutely loved it. The advice, the lessons, Nataly's story... it's all so real and so relevant. I have already started making many of these practices part of my daily life and absolutely feel happier now! I'm just sad that I'm done reading it, may have to read it again!"
- Rebecca Provitera

"As a perfectionist who is always looking for the next thing to work toward, I found this book full of authentic and genuine ways to help me be present."
- Molly Beck

Lee with book
happy people with Happier Now
Sabrina with book

Praise for Happier Now

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