All it takes are some store-bought bunny ears and craft supplies to make this the most creative rabbit-ears-on-everything-week ever...
1. A picture:
2. A refrigerator:
(Via https://www.pinterest.com/kristinerobbins/)
3. A door:
4. Another door:
5. The back of a chair:
(Via Spoonful.com)
7. Betty White:
8. A pancake:
9. A hair bun:
10. A cupcake:
11. A supermodel:
12. A piece of fruit:
13. A snake:
14. A cake:
(Courtesy of Food Network Kitchen)
15. A bologna sandwich:
(Via Lushome.com)
16. An exercise class:
17. A car:
(Via GreenCarReports.com: Photo credit: Paul Stith)
18. A grown-up (sort of):
19. Pizza:
(Via Spaceships and Laserbeams)
20. A vegetable platter:
(Via Brick Star)
21. Your feet:
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