By Laura Zigman

Grab your jacket and someone's hand and head out the door

Tags Health

healthy habits, walking, Happier

Walking is one of the healthiest habits you can adopt. It's also one of the easiest. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes, the right clothes for whatever weather you're walking in, and the presence of mind to appreciate the great outdoors (even if it's just the familiar streets of your neighborhood). It's also one of the easiest ways to spend time with family or friends: Walking is something you can do anywhere, any time, for free, without a reservation or special equipment. 

So next time you're feeling tired, stressed, or in need of a big giant love-bomb to the soul, grab your jacket and the hand of someone you love and head out the door. The fresh air will do it's magic and you'll return home refreshed, renewed, and revived. 

Need more inspiration than that to get moving? Watch this short video with Happier's CEO Nataly Kogan and yoga and meditation expert Dave Romanelli:

For more information about Happier's walking course, "Get Your Move On," click here:

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