Yes: We just saw tiny string on a tiny birthday present being tied up with tweezers and pink frosting on a tiny birthday cake being applied with a tiny spatula. Because this is a “Tiny Birthday For a Tiny Hedgehog,” episode two in the “Tiny Hamster” series by the brilliant Hello Denizen people. As always, tiny hamsters -- and tiny hedgehogs -- can teach us a lot about life.
1. Three tiny guests are enough for a celebration because you don’t need a crowd for a party.
This is the ultimate lesson on quality versus quantity; who needs a house full of big giant guests making a big giant mess when one tiny hedgehog and two tiny hamsters eating cake off poker chips create the perfect level of festivity? This tiny life lesson comes in an aptly tiny package: Less is more.
2. Eat what you want. Just eat less of it.
We all eat too much (especially sugar, but also fat). So here’s a perfect example of a tiny birthday cake being enough for three tiny guests. Tiny life lesson: Sometimes a tiny bite or slice of something rich is all you need to satisfy your sweet tooth.
3. Always make homemade cakes for birthdays.
Life is short. Don’t skimp on precious, meaningful occasions with store-bought cake. Make sure that every birthday -- even if it’s for a tiny hedgehog -- is as special as possible by making the cake yourself. Sift that flour in a tiny thimble. Use real eggs. Make it double-layer. Put some stuff on top (it doesn’t have to be perfect). And don’t forget the candle. Tiny life lesson: Any important party starts with good intentions and high expectations in the kitchen when making something special (even if you fall short of them).
4. Poker chips make great tiny plates for tiny birthday cake.
Question: Why hasn’t any magazine that purports to give creative solutions to life’s daily problems come up with the brilliant solution of using poker chips as birthday cake plates (we’re looking at you, Real Simple)? We don’t have an answer, but what we do know is that this is one of the most festive party ideas we’ve ever seen. Tiny life lesson: Step away from shelter magazines that promise all the answers. (Pro tip: use a spool of thread under the poker chip to make a DIY cake pedestal.)
5. Attack life with both tiny paws.
Notice how none of them bother eating with forks? That’s because their paws can’t manipulate tiny silverware (even plastic). It’s also because they want their cake so much they’re willing to grab it with both paws, stick their tiny faces in it, and eat like animals. Tiny life lesson: Good manners are for scaredy-cats. Life is for the taking. Eat cake with both paws, even it means getting frosting up your nose (and even if you look like a super-ugly hedgehog doing it).
6. Tiny party hats are more resilient than you think.
If tiny party hats can stay on through this kind of rabid and frenzied cake-eating, imagine how sturdy and stable they are when crazy-good tiny-cake isn’t involved. Tiny life lesson: Have faith in the strength of delicate, beautiful things to last through difficult times and terrible table manners.
7. Real Simple doesn’t have all the answers.
Again, we don’t want to come down too hard on Real Simple, but why haven’t they ever suggested making tiny birthday-party seats out of clothespins or Scrabble tiles, or hanging tiny pinatas from pencils bunched together with pipe cleaners? We don’t know. But we do know that we’ve gotten more brilliant birthday party tips from two tiny hamsters and a tiny hedgehog than we have from hundreds of magazine editors and television segment producers. Tiny life lesson: All you need to know about life you can learn from Tiny Hamster videos.
8. It doesn’t pay to be a tiny pig.
Maybe it’s the sugar high, maybe it’s the mushroom cloud of narcissism that happens during your own party, but when the tiny hedgehog climbs up onto the table to try to get more cake, it’s the beginning of the end [spoiler alert!]: The tiny cake falls off the makeshift pedestal and he (she?) falls off the table. Tiny life lesson: Know when enough’s enough. Don’t be a tiny pig, no matter how drunk with power on your birthday.
To make sure you fully absorb all of these important life lessons, watch the whole video:
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