1. How schools kill creativity by Ken Robinson:
If your kids have ever complained about school being a waste of time, and if you've ever complained about how their burden of homework is sucking all the joy out of their lives -- and yours -- watch this moving talk that advocates for a profoundly different education system.
What you'll all learn: That your kids aren't crazy for not always loving school.
What you'll get from your kids: Points for validating their less-than-positive feelings about school.
2. Agile programming -- for your family by Bruce Feiler:
From the bestselling author of the The Council of Dads and The Secrets of Happy Families, Bruce Feiler talks about using a successful strategic business program at home: one that that focuses on flexibility, time-management, and accountability to optimize quality time and minimize the stress of modern family life.
What you'll all learn: Better morning, homework, and bedtime routines.
What you'll get from your kids: Points for knowing about tech-y terms like "agile programming."
3. Love, no matter what by Andrew Solomon:
Inspired by the bestselling Far from The Tree which tells the stories of parents who not only learn to deal with their exceptional children but also find profound meaning in doing it, writer Andrew Solomon shares what those stories taught him about unconditional love and unconditional acceptance.
What you'll all learn: That acceptance and unconditional love is at the top of the human life-skills pyramid.
What you'll get from your kids: Maybe a secret or two that they'll be more comfortable sharing with you. Now. Or a few days/months/years from now.
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